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Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Ashford Litter

The Ashford Litter was invented by Sir John Furley and Paul Headley. It was a covered stretcher on wheels and this allowed the ill patient inside some degree of privacy whilst they were being taken to hospital. 

The stamp celebrating the centenary of the St Johns Ambulance gives some idea of the litters age. 

The inventor was one of the founders of the St Johns Ambulance brigade in 1887 and became President of the Red Cross Society in 1863.

This historic item I am sure will look great when we display it at the museum. There can't be many left in the world.

Friday, 11 June 2010

Horse Drawn Ambulance (now that's clever - how did it hold the pencil?)

On Wednesday 9th of June 2010 an intrepid team set off from Bonny Dundee heading to The Granite city to Reclaim a relic of Dundee's past for our Museum. Or was that an Insipid team?

Anyway we got there and trailered back a horse drawn Ambulance dating from the 1880s. It is in not too bad condition considering it had been left out in the elements for the past two years with only a torn tarp for protection.

We have spoken today to the Conservators at Dundee Museum and they will come to offer us advice on it's Restoration.

More images can be viewed in our Exhibits Gallery.

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Dundee Museum of Transport now a registered charity

On 2 June 2010 Dundee Museum of Transport was registered as a charity in Scotland number SC041529. Full details of this registration can be found on the OSCR (Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator) website.

This very important development now allows us to move forward on many more fronts, including extensive fundraising activities.

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Former Maryfield Tram Depot officially "at risk"

The Buildings at Risk Register for Scotland changed the status of the former Maryfield Tram Depot to "at risk" in March 2010.

The reasons given for this escalation were:
"The rear section of the South (Walrond Street) elevation has been removed (due to fire damage). There are a considerable number of plants growing in the mortar cracks on this elevation. Shards of brick are scattered along the foot of the Walrond Street elevation. The gutters on the north elevation require clearing. Moved to At Risk."

This news is very concerning and make our attempts to preserve this important listed building all the more urgent.