DMofT attended Baxter Park on Saturday for our first major event, the Friends of Baxter Park Fun Day. We brought the horse drawn ambulance and Ashford Litter as well as Barry's vintage Rover, a Rolls Royce Silver Shadow II and a Fleur-de Lis van (think Corporal Jones' van from Dad's Army painted bright yellow, kindly provided by committee member Brian Orr from Autorent). This created a striking display and attracted many admirers (although Karen and Lindsay swear it was their buns that drew the crowds !!). The Cake and Candy Stall raised a substantial amount of money, thanks to the generous Dundee public, all of which will help swell our coffers.
The Lord Provost, John Letford showed great interest in both the vehicle display and also the idea of a Transport Museum in Dundee and showed his support by taking a seat on the ambulance for photographs and also by signing our support sheet. A further 160 people also showed their support for the general idea of the Transport Museum and Jimmy and Terry were interviewed by Scott Sommerville from the Dundee Channel.
We were also approached by Councillor Lynn who was extremely supportive, and the Evening Telegraph photographer took several pics; that'll be the Tele sales up on Monday then !!
We were all amazed by the support and interest shown by the Dundee public and we even managed to attract some new volunteers. Mike was caught by the Lampie Wardens digging up a park lamp-post to add to his collection.. but they made him put it back cos the local doags complained about the reduction in toilet facilities.
Many thanks to the Cats Protection League for the loan of their excellent gazebo, to all those who baked tirelessly to keep the stall supplied and our helpers on the day - Jennie, Karen, Lindsay, Brida, Fran, Bunty, Alison, Jasmine, Chloe, David - we couldn't have done it without you !! Special thanks must go to our newly formed P.R. Team - Peter and Jennie who worked wonders with the crowds encouraging interest and support from both young and old alike.
View some photos from the event on our
Event photos 2010 page.