When we were compiling the near 100 photographs for Dundee's City Buses in the 20th Century we were extremely lucky to have the support of many people who generously gave us permission to use their images.
This allowed us to cover most of the important developments ranging from Scotland's first trolley bus service in 1912 through to Scotland's first low floor double deck bus in 1998.
However one memorable photograph still managed to elude us. Taken to mark the start of the Tayway service towards the end of 1980 a Northern Scottish coach, a Tayside Ailsa bus and a British Railways diesel train were lined-up to mark the launch of this new joint service.
To date the only copy of the photograph we have is from the front of the inaugural timetable which isn't of a good enough quality for us to use.
If you have a copy of the original photograph taken for this event, or know where we could get a copy, please get in touch through our
contact us page or leave a comment under this post.