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Monday, 31 March 2014

DMofT relaunches the Dundee Motor Show - 10 August 2014

Since August 2010 Dundee Museum of Transport has been attending the annual Baxter Park celebrations, showcasing some of our vehicles, photographs and memorabilia.

This year we are planning on bringing the once-popular Dundee Motor Show back to the local events calendar and linking it with our appearance at Baxter Park. However to do so we need the support of as many individuals, clubs, societies and companies as possible to allow us to put on a diverse display.

The event takes place on Sunday 10 August 2014 from 12-5pm at Baxter Park, Arbroath Road, Dundee, DD4 6NL.

More information and a link to download an entry form can be found by clicking here.

Saturday, 29 March 2014

The final push to get everything finished in time

With less than four weeks to go until our Official Opening weekend there's a lot going on in and around our premises at Market Mews.

A selection of photographs of all the work being done, and some of the exhibits, has been posted to our Current premises page on the website to wrap up the series dating back to June 2012 when we took possession of the building.

We are really looking forward to finally opening our doors and meeting everyone on Saturday 26 April 2014 at 11am. Form an orderly queue...

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

PRESS RELEASE: National Express Dundee becomes Museum's main sponsor

Dundee Museum of Transport is delighted to announce that National Express Dundee has become its main sponsor. A number of exciting joint ventures will take place over the coming months and the Museum's main display area will now be known as the National Express Dundee Exhibition Hall.

National Express Dundee announced as Museum’s main sponsor. Dundee Museum of Transport's Chairman Jimmy McDonell (left) with Yvonne Wilson from National Express Dundee holding an old Dundee Corporation ticket machine. Photograph courtesy Alan Richardson.

Chairman of Dundee Museum of Transport Jimmy McDonell said:

“It’s fantastic to have National Express Dundee on board as the main sponsor of our Museum. The whole team has been working extremely hard to establish it as a home for some of the area’s most important heritage and to remember those local pioneers who may have been forgotten over time.

“We’re really looking forward to welcoming the public through our doors. I’m sure people will be delighted to see some of the displays we have for them and we can’t wait to show them off!”

Managing Director of National Express Dundee Phil Smith said:

"We are delighted to be entering into this partnership with Dundee Museum of Transport. Not only are they celebrating Dundee and Tayside's 'hidden heritage', they're celebrating the heritage of our own business, displaying some of the vehicles and memorabilia used by the bus company in its former guise as the Corporation.

"This new attraction is an excellent boost for the city of Dundee and we are very much looking forward to supporting Jimmy and his team on their opening weekend and beyond."

The Museum will house a collection of vintage vehicles, memorabilia and transport-related items some of which relate directly to the main sponsor National Express Dundee when it was owned by Dundee Corporation.

Dundee Museum of Transport will be opening its doors for the first time on Saturday 26 April 2014 from 11am to 4pm. The celebrations continue on Sunday 27 April 2014 from 11am to 4pm which includes National Drive It Day organised by the Scottish Vintage Vehicle Federation.

With a Jazz Band, bouncy castle, stalls, etc this will be a great family weekend. Market Street will be closed and over 150 vehicles, ranging from vintage to military and commercials, will be on display. Refreshments will also be available on both days.

More details about the opening weekend, admission charges and membership packages will be announced nearer the time.

Further photographs from this event can be found on our Events photos 2014 page.

Friday, 14 March 2014

Opening Hours Confirmed for Dundee Museum of Transport!

Ahead of April, we are thrilled to be able to share with you all, details of our opening times for the opening weekend on the 26th & 27th April and also thereafter.

OPENING WEEKEND (Saturday 26th & Sunday 27th April)

Our official opening ceremony on Saturday will begin at 11:00am then continue on until 4:00pm.

The National Drive it Day organised by the Scottish Vintage Vehicle Federation on Sunday will begin at 11:00am and continue until 4:00pm. We have in excess of 160 vehicles confirmed for the Sunday throughout the day so it certainly isn’t to be missed!

NORMAL OPENING HOURS (Commencing Monday 28th April)

Monday to Friday 10:00am – 3:00pm
Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays 11:00am – 3.30pm

Extended visits after these times will be by appointment only.  We would gratefully request notice of at least one week in advance.

Admission fees and membership details will roll out next week so stay tuned!